appearance 5e/43

Posted: December 11, 2011 by patryk44mazurek in Patryk

In my opinion appearance is important in all countries, not only in Poland. Nowadays most of people pay attention to appearance, how other people look like, what usually they wear. For other people, if you don’t wear expensive, new clothes, you’re less attractive than someone who spend on clothes most of his money. Everyone at first look on our appearance, then on our character, knowledge, intellgence bu

t the sequence should be reversed. I always think about why person with expensive clothes is more popular than someone, who doesn’t have money to waste it, if she/he has nothing i

n his/her head, in contrast to the second character mentioned by me. Now I’d like to recall words of Leszek Kaźmierczak : ,,Enjoy it, because one day fame will pass, but for now, everybody know your name” which perfectly blend with the content of my speech. Also I think that in my country people always judge other person by appearance. No one concentrate on the other person’s character at first. Maybe they think that they would be judged by the society similarly to the person who is being judged by them. I hope that this will change soon, but I know it’s still a long way to go by the humanity, but hope dies last…

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